Tran Van Chien

My major is Robotic Engineering. I am an undergraduated student at University of Engineering and Technology - VNU, where I had chances to work with Professor Hoang Van Xiem

My final thesis is under the supervision of PhD. Phung Manh Duong and in close collaboration with PhD. Nguyen Thi Thanh Van

Currently, I'm working with PhD. Student Nguyen Manh Nguyen as a Research Assistant

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My research interests lie in implementing motion planning and path planning algorithms and SLAM (Simultaneous localization and mapping). Currently, my work focuses on how to make those planning algorithms more adaptive by combining them with Deep Learning techniques.


Research Assistant (2020 - 1/2022)
University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University
Member of Department of Robotic Engineering and work on ROS, SLAM & Navigation on mobile robot; how to use machine learning and computer vision technique on robot for some applications

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